Centennial Exhibit Update 2/16/2022

The heart visible in the last blog post occupies a wall which will soon be covered by materials for the upcoming Midland ACS centennial exhibit. Painted by Museum Student Assistant Taryn McCarthy, the huge heart is now filled with writing from students currently in Museum Studies and related classes, as well as students and staff who work at the Museum.

Someday, when a new exhibit cycles through the main gallery, future students will reveal these notes and experience this unique time capsule. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Centennial Exhibit Update 2/11/2022

As installation on the Midland ACS centennial exhibit continues, CMU Museum students and staff alike are chipping in. The next generation of Museum professionals is gaining some terrific real-life experience through this process!

Museum Student Assistant Isaac Hunter is shown here spackling more area along the expanded installation plane, coached by CMU Museum Director and Curator Dr. Jay Martin.

Curious about the heart on the wall? Keep reading the blog to find out more!

Centennial Exhibit Update 2/4/2022

We have moved on from stapling to spackling! Museum Student Assistant Victoria Boykin is shown here spackling the newly-constructed platform for exhibits.

While the putty is applied while pink, it turns white as it dries. Once it is sanded, this material will help provide a smooth surface for the carpet which will be affixed over the platform, creating a clean backdrop for installations like the Midland ACS centennial exhibit!

Centennial Exhibit Update 2/2/2022

The table behind Julia looks very familiar…

Things are moving along at the CMU Museum! Collections Manager Ron Bloomfield and Museum Student Assistant Julia Burkholder have assembled parts of what will eventually clad a wall inside the centennial exhibit. The renovations will support installation of the Midland ACS centennial exhibit and future flexible displays at the main gallery.

Fun fact: The renovations in the main gallery are made of reclaimed wood from past exhibits! This is an eco-friendly approach to new exhibit preparation. Here, Ron and Julia are shown constructing the base layer of the wall, removing old screws from recycled materials, and making sure that the first layer of the wall is sturdy and level. Stay tuned for more updates!

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