Public Outreach

  • Please check this website or the Midland ACS Facebook page for program updates and to see where the centennial exhibit travels. A new installation of A Century of Science and Service is now available at the Central Michigan University Museum!
  • FREE hands-on teacher workshops compliant with current standards are possible upon request.

Specialized Programs

  • “Scientific Wonder and Artful Genius” programs have provided free hands-on STEAM experiences for Delta College’s Possible Dream students.
  • We have collaborated with Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts for camps, workshops, and merit badge programs.
  • Our members support teachers as part of the “Science Coaches” program.
  • Our science cafes and summer camps offer science information and application opportunities with interactive experiences.

Community Events

  • Kids’ Day at the Midland Mall offers hands-on science in a walk-by format. This event usually takes place in January.
  • Chemists Celebrate Earth Week activities usually include a K-12 Illustrated Poem Contest on the yearly theme, seminars, and a public expo focused on eco-friendly services, activities, and businesses.
  • River Days in Midland include interactive activities and give-aways at the ACS booth. (This usually takes place in August.)
  • National Chemistry Week is typically celebrated with a community event, another Illustrated Poem Contest, and activities around the yearly theme. (This event takes place in the fall.)